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ApricotMaps requires your Google Maps API Key in order to translate member addresses into map coordinates. Members cannot be displayed on a map, or searched for by proximity without this. If you would like to learn more about the Google Maps API Key, please see Google's online documentation.

In order to generate your API Key, you will need a Google account. You have a Google account if you use any Google service, such as GMail or Google Docs. If you do not have a Google account, or wish to create a new one, this can be done for free in a just a few minutes by going to

Generating the API Key

To generate a Google Maps API Key, follow the following steps:

  1. Click here to access the Google Maps API page.
  2. Locate and click on the blue button that says GET STARTED
  3. If you are not already logged into your Google account, you will now be asked to do so
  4. On the next screen, check the boxes for Maps and Places and then click CONTINUE.

  5. If prompted, select "Create a new project", otherwise enter a project name (we recommend "ApricotMaps Directory") and then click on NEXT

  6. On the next screen you will be asked to enable billing. You will not be billed for the API however, as you will be provided with $200 of monthly credit, which is more than enough to use ApricotMaps. Follow the steps onscreen to setup a new billing account or connect an existing one.
  7. Finally, you will be shown your Google Maps API key, copy this and click DONE..

Connecting the the Google Maps API

Log into your Dashboard and click the "API Settings" link in the sidebar menu. Paste in your Google Maps API key into the designated field.

Your will be required to also enter your Wild Apricot API Key before you can save. Click here for instructions on how to obtain this key.

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